Presenting data

Gender graphs 

The difference between Primary/Secondary Data

The difference between Primary and Secondary is that Primary data is data that is collected by the investigator  themselves.E.g a survey.
Secondary data is data collected by someone else and used by the investigator.

i got this information from: S, S. (2019). Difference Between Primary and Secondary Data (With Comparison Chart) - Key Differences. [online] Key Differences. Available at:,collected%20by%20someone%20else%20earlier.&targetText=Surveys%2C%20observations%2C%20experiments%2C%20questionnaire%2C%20personal%20interview%2C%20etc [Accessed 22 Nov. 2019].

Average teenage viewing time
7 hours 22 mins
i got this information from:

my average=2.4
class average=1.8
teen average=7.2

Havard format

Harvard referencing is an umbrella term for any referencing style that uses the author name and year of publication within the text to indicate where you have inserted a source. This author-date system appeals to both authors and readers of academic work.E.g

i got this information from: S, S. (2019). Difference Between Primary and Secondary Data (With Comparison Chart) - Key Differences. [online] Key Differences. Available at:,collected%20by%20someone%20else%20earlier.&targetText=Surveys%2C%20observations%2C%20experiments%2C%20questionnaire%2C%20personal%20interview%2C%20etc [Accessed 22 Nov. 2019].


  • Positive relationship-Data that goes into the same direction.
  • Inverse relationship-Data that goes in opposite direction between two variables.
  • Correlation-A mutual relationship between two or more things that don't cause each other.
  • Causation-The relationship between cause and effect, one thing causes another thing.

Is there a relationship between a film stars height and their success?
Explain what your initial assumptions are of the blog post?The taller the starts the more they earn
What sounds plausible to you, about the relationship between height and film success?The taller the star the harder to film.
How are you going to define "success"?The amount of money earned per film on average.
What different kinds of possible relationships are their and what do they mean?The taller the film star the harder to film.
What kinds of problems do you think the research question might pose?There could be no causation


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